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"Somebody to Love" by LOVERVMINS on ao3


“falling in love with another man during the 1950s was never something taehyung not jeongguk envisioned. especially not when they were both married and had beautiful wives.

or, the story of two lovers who were never meant for each other, but destiny found its way anyway”

firstly, i’d like to start off by saying that LOVERVMINS, or larryvgl on some other platforms, was and still is my favorite fanfiction writer to this day. her writing is immaculate and her plots are incredibly unique. not to mention, she never misses the opportunity to include character development in every single one of her books. that being said, unfortunately, the author was based in a country not-so-accepting of her passion to write gay fanfiction and subsequently, most of her works have been taken down with all of her accounts being deleted as well. you might be able to find a few of her works or parts of them by other authors who have reposted them on platforms like Wattpad, but as far as i am concerned, this is her only remaining work in its entirety by her originally.

nevertheless, "Somebody to Love" is a masterpiece. it takes on a historical setting in 1950s London and centers around Taehyung, a lawyer, and Jeongguk, a lawyer in training, as they try to manage their newfound fondness for each other as well as stay faithful to their wives. LOVERVMINS does an amazing job giving each character so much complexity and addresses real problems of the time period.

if you have the chance, i would highly recommend reading this.




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