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  • Writer's pictureloaf


Hey, everyone! I'm making this blog site so as to compile lists of and review fanfics for anyone to enjoy! I've recently started doing this on a tumblr page of mine, but I've been meaning to eventually make a website for it too, just to organize it better. I love reading fanfictions (as one can assume) and hopefully, this website will be a good tool for those of you looking for new ones to read. Ideally, sometime in the future, this page will be run by a team of more reviewers (maybe even writers!) than just myself and we'll be able to provide the right amount of tools needed for you to find fics easily and efficiently so you can spend less time looking and more time reading ;)

For the first few weeks, I'm going to just be setting up this page as much as I can, re-uploading some reviews I've already done on my tumblr page, and I'll hopefully be able to start preparing a team to help me before the end of the year. Until then, feel free to browse what's already made of the site and don't be shy to ask any questions!

I'll be setting up a forum for questions on here as well, but until then, you can contact me either my commenting on any of the posts made (including this one), or DMing me on either of my two related socials listed on this website:

@gguuktaee on twitter

or @luvjimmyy on tumblr

Stay gold <3


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